Puppy linux on a mac os
Puppy linux on a mac os

puppy linux on a mac os

Make a puppy cd, pop the cd in a computer and boot it, and play with it for awhile, lucid puppy is much more friendly than slacko. Macpup is a minimalist desktop Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. it has been working great and it's running off a usb currently as i think the drive in my 7 year old laptop is dying.

puppy linux on a mac os

Also, Linux feels more 'open', in the sense of opening the hood of your car. They seemed too 'graceful' though, like they needed to slow down to look elegant, as opposed to Puppy's blistering speed. I would try a lightweight Linux distribution (like Lubuntu or Puppy Linux). I have used Macs just a little bit recently.


so probably not my main os, but i do use it for a server, and a media player and i havent had problems setting it up, got myself some things installed, had to use git for a few things to put on there, but i also kind of like lucid puppy which i run in a vm, but i guess it depends on if you wwanna do different things, i actually have been using an old laptop with parrot security os alot, but i have only had my puppy set up for a few days and i'm still customizing my scripts to run on it, but as far as media, browsing and a server. About your question, I chose to completely erase Mac OS from the computer.

puppy linux on a mac os

I have a desktop with linux mint, a laptop with windows 7, laptop with ubuntu 13, another laptop with parrot security os and another set up with Slacko Puppy.

Puppy linux on a mac os